Saturday, October 17, 2015

Long Exposure Night Photography

Tonight was all about long exposures and night photography.  This is yet another area that I haven't experimented with, and the jury is still out on the results, but it was a fun first attempt at blurring the action  by using long exposures and slow camera speeds.  I spent a lot of time reading different techniques on how to do this, and I opted to go with shutter speed as my priority, with an aperture of F11 and an ISO of 100.  The shutter speed used was anywhere from 5 seconds to 30 seconds... all with varying results, but I am posting some of the more interesting images of the bunch.  They won't win any awards for sure, but I did think that the images were interesting if nothing else.  Not too bad for a first run with it.  Now to find some other locations around town with more vibrant colors of light, more traffic to blur in the images and something a bit more challenging to see what comes of changing the settings and mixing things up a bit.  There are numerous ways to achieve the desired look that I was going for, and I am eager to go in a new direction with things on my next outing.  Until then....

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